I wanted to take the time to thank you

I wanted to take the time to thank you

I wanted to take the time to write and thank you for your product even though we have spoken of it. Our hotel only has a few smoking rooms. Since we only have a few they get used repeatedly. It is vital that we be able to clean these rooms to the best possible status. There are times when we have no non-smoking rooms available -therefore the guest is given the option of choosing a smoking room. In most cases the guest will take the smoking room if it has been treated with your product.

~ Linda

Vamoose Products

~ Linda

I wanted to take the time to write and thank you for your product even though we have spoken of it. Our hotel only has a few smoking rooms. Since we only have a few they get used repeatedly. It is vital that we be able to clean these rooms to the best possible status. There are times when we have no non-smoking rooms available -therefore the guest is given the option of choosing a smoking room. In most cases the guest will take the smoking room if it has been treated with your product.
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